What We Offer



We have extensive experience moderating an organizational analysis process. We take into account the perspectives of all stakeholders, including leadership, volunteers, and members/clients. We offer a range of services from a brief “snapshot” to a more in-depth retreat style analysis. We help you create a thorough understanding of where your organization is now, and how it can be MORE.



With over 30 years combined experience, Lynn Ann Vogel and Zoe Linza’s hands-on real experiences will bring your organization insight and growth. The good, the bad, the mistakes, the failures that led to successes, all help you assess where your organization is and help you look to the future. Take advantage of our extensive experience, and learn how you can get MORE from the resources you already have.


We take pride in openly discussing the successes and challenges that define an organization, helping organizations to identify and build on strengths, and to recognize areas of potential growth and change. We want to help organizations become more forward-looking, and we identify where changes can be made so that your organization can do MORE.

Executive Study

We have extensive experience in association Executive Director hiring, from the perspective of both the hiring director and hiree. We specialize in organizational strengths-building, and we believe a good executive fit is a part of that process. We can assist in finding a good fit for a new executive for your organization by helping you create an accurate picture of your organization and offering suggestions to assist in finding the right person to bring MORE to your organization.